My research is largely driven by three interests:
- Psychological effects of interactivity and navigability in digital media on attention, cognition, and attitudes
- The Role of Individual Differences in Ability and Motivation on the Influence of Design Characteristics (e.g., Interactivity, Aesthetics, information Density).
- Use, Trends, and Effects of Design in Online and Multimedia News
My research has been published or accepted at journals including Journal of Media Psychology, Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (JASIST),Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking, and Journal of Children & Media, has presented more than 25 research papers at major research conferences in the field of mass communication, including meetings of the Interational Communication Association (ICA), Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), National Communication Association (NCA), and World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR).
Selected Recent Papers:
"Interactive Data Graphics and Information Processing: The Moderating Role of Involvement", in press at Journal of Media Psychology, accepted Spring 2014
"Mortality Salience Effects on Selective Exposure and Web Browsing Behavior", with Robert Magee, published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking, published December 2012.
Recent News
6/2014: The Information Explosion (blog, Netherlands): "Moody news: Emotion ratings may hurt user attitudes" --A summary of "Moody News" paper presented with Dr. Jessica Myrick at ICA 2014 in Seattle.
2/2014: American Journalism Review: "Quizzes vs. News: What Do Y'all, Youse, You Guys Think?" -- On interactive quizzes in online journalism.
Download Bart Wojdynski's CV here