Digital Media Attention & Cognition Lab
I direct the Digital Media Attention and Cognition Lab (DMAC) at the Grady College at the University of Georgia. Our lab focuses on evaluating digital media products on stationary and mobile computing devices. Our lab uses Tobii Eyetracking equipment to record participants' visual attention. We conduct research on a variety of platforms, including tablets, smartphones, gestural input devices.
Current research projects examine:
- The effects of size and positioning of advertising disclosure labels in online news native advertising on ad recognition, persuasion knowledge activation, and a variety of perceptions
- Effects of online news story package navigability and entry point on navigation path, attention, engagment, and perceived fluency.
Our Digital Media Attention and Cognition Working Group includes graduate students and faculty with diverse interests ranging from journalism, health communication, and advertising, and works to develop ideas and collect data for a number of projects in the DMAC Lab. In Fall 2014, we will meet weekly Monday afternoons. If you're interested in coming by or learning more, please shoot me an email (bartw@uga.edu).There may also be opportunities for exceptional undergraduate students with interest in experimental research.
Lab Notes
July, 2014
For personalized advertisements appearing adjacent to news contnent, ad personalization significantly increased relative attention to the advertisement over attention to the news article, as well as on advertisement recall.
Bang & Wojdynski, manuscript in progress
June, 2014
As suggested by literature on verbal distractions, ad relevance can distract from news story processing. However, this effect varies based on the strength of arguments made in the news story -- weaker arguments lead to greater distraction from irrelevant advertisements.
Wojdynski & Bang, manuscript being prepared for journal submission.